Development tools : XUI editor : Reusing XUI page (XUI include widget)
Reusing XUI page (XUI include widget)
You can reuse XUI page more conveniently by saving it as XUI snippet (include widget) and add that widget in a new XUI page. You can create XUI include widget before or after creating the new XUI page and group multiple include widgets in a collection. Here takes two pages as an example:
Page A: the existing XUI page which you want to reuse
Page B: the new XUI page you are creating which can reuse all the widgets on Page A.
1 Open Page A and right-click the editing area.
2 Select Save As XUI Include widget from the pop-up dialog.
There will be xui_widgets folder under project/xui used to save XUI snippets. You can check this folder to see if the include widget is generated successfully.
Note If you doesn't need the snippet and delete it from the folder, you should right-click the project and select UDTT Tools > Reload project widgets from the menu.
3 Specify Widget name, display label and other properties as you want.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 Click OK to save the XUI snippet.
5 Open Page B and add XUI Include widget into the page. You can position the widget where you like. The whole Page A will be added into Page B.
6 Set location property as the XUI snippet generated by Page A by clicking the Browse, selecting the XUI snippet and clicking OK.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Page A is added into Page B on the editor.
7 If you want to change the widgets inside the Include widget, right-click the Include widget and select Edit XUI snippet.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The XUI snippet opens in the XUI editor, and you can edit the XUI snippet as you edit XUI page.
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