Extending : Generated JavaScript file name extension
Generated JavaScript file name extension
When selecting an XUI file to generate a Dojo page, if the XUI file contains ECA rule definitions, UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) generates a Javascript file. The file is the Javascript implementation for the defined ECA rule. By default, the name of the JavaScript file that is generated by UDTT is the same as the name of the XUI file with the file extension changed to .js from .xui;for example, an index.js file is generated from the index.xui file. UDTT provides an extendible point to enable technical developers to change the default naming behavior. For example, a technical developer can add version information to the generated JavaScript file name.
To extend the .js file naming rule, you must perform the following steps:
Implementing a JavaScript file naming rule
Registering a JavaScript file naming rule