Extending : Generated JavaScript file name extension : Registering a JavaScript file naming rule
Registering a JavaScript file naming rule
1 Open the plugin.xml file of the UDTT extension plug-in project, and then click the Extensions tab.
2 In the All Extensions panel, click Add to open the New Extension window.
3 In the Extension Point Filter field of the New Extension window, enter com.ibm.btt, and then select com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2.generator. Click Finish.
4 In the All Extensions panel, right-click com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2.generator, and then click New > uiGenHandler.
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5 In the Extension Element Details window, enter detailed information.
In the name field, enter the name of the JavaScript file naming rule.
In the class field, enter the implementation class of extended naming rule.
In the priority field, specify the priority of this extension. If the extension point is registered by multiple plug-ins, the extension with the higher priority extension is invoked by UDTT. The UDTT default naming rule is registered as low priority; therefore, the customized JavaScript file naming rule should be registered as medium or high priority.
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Generated JavaScript file name extension