Extending : Multi-project support in Extension : Project prefix : Background
In UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™), the following resources can be selected from another project:
NLS definition
Image file
Context definition
Data name in a context
CSS file
List file
At time of generating JSP from XUI, value of a widget attribute need to be generated into runtime value properly. The following mapping rules handle multi-project for widget attributes specially:
remoteNLSPathRule: which handles NLS String for multi-project.
changePathRule: which handles List file for multi-project.
remotePathRule: which handles Operation for multi-project
checkDataNameRule: which handles Dataname for multi-project
changePathRule: which handles Image file for multi-project
When a resource is selected from another project, UDTT will add project prefix to the resource reference information. In this case, resource reference information will be in the format of [project prefix]:[resource reference identity]. In order to avoid massive modification when a common or global project is renamed, UDTT uses project map key instead of project name as project prefix.
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Project prefix