Extending : Processor editor extension : Extending the Processor editor : Creating a configuration file for a palette object : Transition objects
Transition objects
There are three tags in the configuration file of transition objects:
<appearance> tag
<properties> tag
<property> tag
An example of a configuration file for a transition object is provided here:
<transition xmlns="http://btt.ibm.com/TransitionSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://btt.ibm.com/TransitionSchema TransitionSchema.xsd ">
<appearance lineColor="0,0,0" lineWidth="1" lineStyle="Solid" arrowTypeStyle="SolidArrow" font="Arial-regular-10" fontColor="0,0,0" />
<property name="Event" hidden="false" required="true" defaultValue="" editRule="EventTransitionBeta"/>
<property name="Input Data Format" required="false" description="%InputFormat" editRule="MapperFormat"/>
<property name="Output Data Format" required="false" description="%OutputFormat" editRule="MapperFormat"/>
<property name="Skip Validation" defaultValue="false" description="%TransValidated" editRule="Boolean"/>
<property name="id" defaultValue="" hidden="true" required="false" />
The <appearance> tag defines how a transition object is displayed in the Palette view in Rational Application Developer and in the editing area of the Processor editor.
Attributes of the <appearance> tag of a transition object
Color in RGB. For example, 255,255,255. Default value is 0,0,0.
Line width in pixel. Default value is 1.
Possible values are: ‘Solid', 'Dash', ‘DashDotDot', ‘DashDot', ‘Dot', ‘Double'. Default value is Solid.
Possible values are: ‘None', ‘OpenArrow' and ‘SolidArrow'. Default value is Solid.
The font of the text that is displayed on a transition object.
font color
Color in RGB. For example, 255,255,255
The attributes of the <properties> and the <property> tag of a transition object are the same as the <properties> and the <property> tag of a state object.
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Creating a configuration file for a palette object