Extending : Processor editor extension : Extending the Processor editor : Creating and registering a global function : Creating a global function
Creating a global function
Technical developers must first create a function definition file to declare the functions that will be implemented. A sample function definition file is shown here:
  <function name="concat" returnType="String" description="" >
    <parameter name="string1" description="%concatString1" type="String" />
    <parameter name="string2" description="%concatString2" type="String" />
  <function name="length" returnType="Integer" description="" >
      <parameter name="string1" description="%descString1" type="String" />
After creating the function definition file, technical developers must create a Java class to implement the declared functions. The class contains the set of implemented static methods that correspond to the declared global functions.
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Creating and registering a global function