Extending : Processor editor extension : Processor editor extension samples : The AlphaHtmlProcessor sample
The AlphaHtmlProcessor sample
The AlphaHtmlProcessor sample extends a UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) HTML channel processor to demonstrate how to handle implicit events.
In the AlphaHtmlProcessor sample, developers do not need to define any states or transitions to handle events that have been prompted by users. The processor handles the events implicitly.
The diagram below shows a simple account transfer flow. If an error occurs in the flow, such as if a transfer amount has been entered that is above the daily transfer limit, when the transferProcessOp account transfer request is processed, a page is displayed that enables users to either enter another transfer amount or to cancel the process.
A simple account transfer flow
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
However, in the AlphaHtmlProcessor sample, developers do not need to create the userPrompt and the FinalNotOk states. The processor handles errors implicitly.
A flow that uses the AlphaHtmlProcessor processor
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In the AlphaHtmlProcessor sample, important runtime processor extension tasks are covered. The implementation items of the AlphaHtmlProcessor sample are in two projects: the AlphaSampleWidget project and the Alphates_v8.0 project.
Implementation items in the AlphaHtmlProcessor sample
Item name
Further information on the item
Java class for runtime processor extension.
Extending runtime processor
The src\com\ibm\btt\alphasample\automation\html folder in the Alphates_v8.0 project.
Sample flow that uses the AlphaHtmlProcessor processor
The src\definitions\processors folder in the Alphates_v8.0 project.
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Processor editor extension samples