Extending : Widget extension : Using the table rendering feature of table widget : Table widget type
Table widget type
You can configure the table widget type in both XUI editor and run time. For XUI that was created with UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit versions earlier than, you can change the table widget type in a batch job by changing the .location file.
Table widget type in XUI editor
The widgetType property of table widget controls whether to use full grid table widget, simple grid table widget, or the widget type that is automatically determined by UDTT. The following values can be specified.
Default value. The widget type is automatically determined by UDTT according to the table generation rules. If all properties, events, and functions that are used in the table comply with the rules, simple grid table widget is used. If there is at least one property, event, or function that does not comply with the rules, full grid table widget is used.
Note For more information about the table generation rules, see Table generation rules.
Full Grid
Uses full grid table widget with all features that are provided by Dojo. This option might have impact to the performance of table widgets. You can use this option for tables that frequently display a large amount of rows where full grid table widget with all Dojo features might be faster.
Uses simple table widget with limited features.
The widgetType property of table widget in XUI editor
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Table widget type at run time
You can determine the table widget type at run time by overriding the useSimpleTable() method in DojoTableTag class.
protected boolean com.ibm.btt.dojo.tag.DojoTableTag.useSimpleTable()
Compute whether to use simple or full table widget type. This method overrides the tooling result. The default implementation is to follow the result of tooling output.
Boolean, true for simple, false for full.
protected boolean useSimpleTable() {
boolean useSimple = super.useSimpleTable();
String intendedType = attributes.get("widgetType"); // the assigned type in tooling, possible value : full, simple, auto, EMPTY
if ( useSimple && !"simple".equals(intendedType) && !this.isEmpty(this.getHeight()) )
IndexedCollection iColl = (IndexedCollection) getJspContextServices().getElement(dataNameForList);
if (iColl.size() > 1000) useSimple = false;
}catch(Exception e){}

return useSimple;
Table widget type at .location file
To change the widget types of table widgets in XUI pages, that were created or modified in UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit version or earlier, configure the .location file of the corresponding project.
Add the code tableWidgetType="" to a new line in the .location, and specify the value to Auto, FullGrid, or Simple. After you save the .location file, the widget types of all table widgets in old XUI pages are changed to the type that you specified.
Note The value of the tableWidgetType="" attribute applies to all table widgets in old XUI pages of a whole project. Use this function with caution.
For table widgets in XUI that were created or modified in UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit version or earlier, the tableWidgetType="" attribute in the .location file does not take effect. The default widget type of newly created table widgets is Auto.
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Using the table rendering feature of table widget