Extending : Widget extension : Advanced topics : Customizing a property editor : Registering a property editor
Registering a property editor
To enable customized property editor to be used in the XUI editor, technical developers must register the property editor as an extension point of plug-in.
To register a property editor
1 In the Extensions tab of plugin file, click Add to open the New Extension window, and then select com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2.properties. Click Finish.
2 Right-click com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2.generator, and then click New > property.
3 In the Extension Detail panel, enter the following required information:
type: the property type can be edited by the registered editor. The property type must be the same as the type that is specified in the widget definition .xml file. For more information on the widget definition .xml file, refer to Defining a widget.
class: the implementation class of the property editor.
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Customizing a property editor