Extending : Widget extension : Advanced topics : Creating a new properties tab
Creating a new properties tab
This section describes how to create a new properties tab for a widget in the properties view of Eclipse workbench.
When a functional developer edits the properties of the new widget, the Appearance, Properties and Rules tabs are displayed by default in the Properties view in Eclipse workbench. If the widget has an action property defined in the widget definition, the Action tab is displayed. If the widget has a styleclass property in the widget definition, a Style tab is displayed.
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides the ability to add new properties tabs for new properties in the properties view by following the Eclipse Tabbed Properties View implementation. If the property is not proper to be configured in properties tab due to its complexity, a technical developer can add a new tab for this property. For more information on how to implement and register a new properties tab, refer to the Eclipse Tabbed Properties View page on the Eclipse website.
When you add a new extension point to org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.tabbed.propertyTabs or org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.tabbed.propertySections for the UDTT XUI editor, com.ibm.btt.rcp.xui.editor2.XUIEditor must be entered in the contributorId field.
If the new property tab is implemented for a property, a technical developer must set the ‘showInEditor' attribute of the property to false in the widget definition file to ensure that the property cannot be edited in properties tab.
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