Extending : Widget extension : Advanced topics : Creating a customized property mapping rule
Creating a customized property mapping rule
If you want to customize property mapping, you can implement and register property mapping rules for property types.
Implementing a property mapping rule
To implement a property mapping rule, technical developers must implement the com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2.generator.IRule interface and override the process method.
Registering a property mapping rule
To enable the implemented property mapping rule to be used when UDTT generates a JSP file from an XUI file, technical developers must register the rule as an extension point of plugin. To register a property mapping rule, do the following steps:
1 In the Extensions tab of plugin file, click Add button to open the New Extension window, and then select com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2.generator. Click Finish.
2 Right-click com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2.generator, and then click New > property.
3 In the Extension Detail panel, enter values in the name and the class fields. The name field specifies the name of the rule. It should be the same as rule attribute of the <property-mapping> tag in your widget mapping file. For more information on the widget mapping file, refer to Creating and registering widget mappings. The class field specifies the implementation class of the rule.
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