Extending : Widget extension : Advanced topics : Adding ECA support : Customizing default monitoring
Customizing default monitoring
Infrastructure developers can customize UDTT default ECA rule monitoring. To customize default ECA monitoring, technical developers must write JavaScript code to extend the com.ibm.btt.event.BaseMonitor class and implement the following methods:
The monitorStartRule : function( event, rule) method is invoked when begin to execute a rule.
The monitorEndRule : function( event, rule) method is invoked when complete executing a rule.
The monitorCondition : function (event, rule, result) method is invoked when complete a condition evaluation.
The monitorCallFunctionAction: function(id, functionName, args, result) method is invoked when complete calling a function.
The monitorGetPropertyAction: function (id, property, value) method is invoked when complete retrieving a property from a widget.
The monitorSetPropertyAction: function (id, property, value) method is invoked when complete setting a property to a widget.
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Adding ECA support