Extending : Widget extension : Advanced topics : Registering a widget for the generation of an XUI page skeleton
Registering a widget for the generation of an XUI page skeleton
Functional developers can use the Transaction editor to associate data elements to widgets. UDTT then generates an XUI page that contains the widgets that have associated data elements. When a project-specific widget is created, technical developers can register this new widget so that it is available for association to data elements in the Transaction editor.
Widgets that can be associated to data elements in the Transaction editor
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To register a widget so that it is available for association to data elements in the Transaction editor
1 Register new extension point.
Add the widget to the com.ibm.btt.tools.transaction.editor.widgets extension.
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In the Extension Details panel, enter the following required information:
In the name field, enter the name of the widget. This name should be the name that is registered in the com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2.widgets extension point described in Importing a widget.
In the UIValidatorClass field, specify the implementation class that decides whether the widget is displayed for selection in the candidate widget list when a specific data element is selected. The class should implement the com.ibm.btt.tools.transaction.validator.WidgetValidator interface.
In the XUIGeneratorClass field, specify the implementation class that generates an XUI file from a widget. Technical developers can use either the UDTT defaultcom.ibm.btt.tools.transaction.generator.WidgetUIGenerator XUI widget generation class or implement a widget specific generation class by implementing the com.ibm.btt.tools.transaction.generator.WidgetGenerator interface.
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2 Implement required classes.
UIValidatorClass: The implementation class must implement the validate method of WidgetValidator interface. A description of the validate method:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
XUIGeneratorClass: Please refer 2.4.8 for more detail of how to implement a widget specific generation class.
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