Runtime components : Channels components : Key features : Concepts : Channel management
Channel management
You can use channel management framework to rapidly develop multi-channel business integration solution, and rapidly change/deploy business rules in your production. Channel management provide bank customers with unified business data integration across different channel, along with a unified user experience cross channel.
Channel management includes the following components: policy management, channel data model, and rule provider. Following picture is the architecture figure: Policy management gets the rule parameters from channel data model and user's request, and then passes these parameters to rule engine by rule provider to do rule checking. Policy management includes channel policy management and transaction policy management.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Channel policy management controls the policy in the channel scope, and transaction policy management controls the policy in the transaction scope. Channel data model provides the DAO interfaces to access persistent channel data, for example, policy base data, channel runtime data, and so on.
Rule provider provides a common interface to visit rule engine. There are pre-build rule providers are implemented as UDTT services: ILog Connector Service and Java Code Rule Provider Service.
Channel policy management
Channel data model
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