Runtime components : Channels components : Key features : Tasks : Supporting a new channel device : Creating the request handler
Creating the request handler
The request handler is the main integration point between the channel driver and the toolkit, and must therefore be specific to the communication protocol, device, and business distribution channel. A request handler should inherit from the abstract class DSERequestHandler, which is an implementation of the RequestHandler interface. The abstract implementation class is provided as a starting point for developing new request handlers.
After a request handler class has been defined, it must be registered in the toolkit configuration file (server btt.xml), using the requestHandler field ID.
The request handler must perform the following tasks:
Process the request. The request handler must be able to determine the contents of the ChannelContext request data in order to build and execute the application operation when a request is made from the device. For example, the request handler must be able to determine the operation name to be executed and the parent context to chain to the operation context, to update the timestamp of the session in the application session table, to handle a request to execute operations without a session, etc.
Process the request to establish the session. By getting the ChannelContext request data, the request handler must be able to perform any integration that may be required when the request is made from a device to establish the session. For example, the request handler may be required to determine if the request is for an existing session and be able to obtain that session from the application session table.
Determine the presentation handler. The channel driver must be able to determine this handler for the specific device from the channel handler, which is maintained by the handler registry. The presentation handler is required when a response must be returned to the device.
Handle exceptions. The request handler must be able to handle all exceptions. The request handler should first attempt to determine the channel presentation handler to render the exception back to the device. This is not always possible as an invalid presentation handler may have been specified in the server configuration or the application server connection may not have been established. In the event that the presentation handler cannot be determined, exceptions should be logged to the server Trace Facility.
PresentationHandler interface methods
void processReply (ChannelContext channelContext, ServerOperation operation)
Transforms the application data into a reply for the specific channel. Should be customized for each presentation handler.
void processSessionReply(ChannelContext channelContext)
Informs the device that the session has been successfully established and performs any additional processing not available from the processReply() method. This method is used when a session has already been established, and should be customized for each presentation handler.
void processException (ChannelContext channelContext, Exception exception)
This method provides a generic mechanism to render an error to the client device. The method is used when an exception occurs, and should be customized for each presentation handler.
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Supporting a new channel device