Runtime components : Client engine : Using the client engine service in a React project : Prerequisites
Skill prerequisites
Basic knowledge of UDTT, see Terms and related concepts in UDTT.
Familiarity with the UDTT client engine, see Using the client engine.
Familiarity with the UDTTServerProject sample application, see Using the client engine service.
Familiarity with React development.
Project prerequisites
The following applications and code are required to use this project:
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit version 10.0
UDTTServerProject project (<UDTT_root>/BTTSample/ClientEngineExample/UDTTServerProject)
UDTTReactProject project (<UDTT_root>/BTTSample/ClientEngineExample/UDTTReactProject)
Node.js V8.10 or later (
Node Package Manager V5.2 (npm) - included with the node.js installation
React V16 (installed with npm dependencies, see Building the UDTTReactProject application).
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Using the client engine service in a React project