Runtime components : Core components : Flows : Tasks : Customizing a processor
Customizing a processor
There are two ways to customize a processor: by configuring the parameters defined in the external processor file or by implementing extensions to the toolkit.
To customize a processor by configuring the external parameters, change the attribute values in its externalized data. The following table lists the ways you can customize a processor and the tags you use to do so. For information on specific tags, see Flow processor external definitions.
Customizing the service tasks
Attribute to use
Adding a parameter to a transition
Add an attribute and its value to the <transition> tag
Adding a parameter to an action
Add an attribute and its value to the action's tag
Chaining a context to another context
linkContextTo in the <openView> tag
Changing the action's context
context in the action's tag
Changing the processor's context
context in the <processor> tag
Changing the implementation class for the processor
implClass in the <processor> tag
Preserving events in the queue
cleanEventsQueueOnSwitch in the <processor> tag
Preventing a state from performing entry actions more than once
ignoreEntryActions in the <transition> tag
Preventing an event from going to the next handler
propagateEvent in the <transition> tag
Removing all events from the queue
cleanEventsQueueOnSwitch in the <processor> tag
Sending the event to the next handler
propagateEvent in the <transition> tag
Setting the formatter for inputting data into a context
inputMapFmt in the <executeOperationAct>, <openView>, or <executeSubflowAct> tags
Setting the formatter for outputting data from a context
outputMapFmt in the <executeOperationAct>, <closeView>, or <executeSubflowAct> tags
Setting the location of the view definition
viewSource in the <openView> tag
Setting the state as the initial state of a process
type and possibly typeIdInfo in the <state> tag
Setting the state as a final state of a process
type and possibly typeIdInfo in the <state> tag
Setting the target for a transition
targetState in the <transition> tag
Setting what happens when a user cancels a view
navigation in the <openView> tag
Using a flow defined elsewhere
refFlow in the <processor> tag
For examples of processor definitions, see the example definitions.
The toolkit provides a generic flow processor and two concrete implementations, one for Java clients and another for HTML clients. The functionality is extensive and is not likely to require significant modification to add behavior to meet the requirements of a particular project. Nevertheless, to change the internal behavior of an Automaton to suit the requirements of a particular project, create specialized FlowProcessors and States by subclassing from DSEProcessor or DSEState, and set the relationships between the tag names and the classes actually implementing the behavior in the framework configuration files (dse.ini).
In addition, Actions and GuardConditions are very likely to require specific implementations. The framework provides a set of generic Actions, which are intended to be extended. These Action classes are located in the package. See Actions for more information.
Making an action conditional
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