Runtime components : Core components : Flows : Tasks : Customizing a processor : Making an action conditional
Making an action conditional
To make an action occur only if a specified condition applies, add a set of guard conditions. Within each guard condition, use the onTrue and onFalse attributes to determine what happens when the passes or fails the evaluation of the condition. The values of the attributes are one of the flow modifiers:
continue - (default) The flow resumes by evaluating the next condition associated with the action.
skipConditions - The flow resumes by skipping all the conditions associated with the action and executes the action.
skipAction - The flow resumes by skipping the action and processing the next action.
skipAllActions - The flow resumes by skipping all the actions and moving to the target state that is defined for configured to the transition.
changeState("targetStateName") - The Processor exits the current state and moves into the given targetStateName without executing the action.
execAndChangeState("targetStateName") - The Processor executes the action, exits the current state, and moves to the given targetStateName.
abortProcess - The current state and the processor are aborted. This should only be used in very seldom cases when an exceptional event happens.
The following example demonstrates how to apply these conditions:
  <checkPINCode onTrue="continue"
After completing this task: If the PIN contained in the context hierarchy for the action passes the checkPINCode evaluation, the validating class returns true and the processor performs the action containing this condition. If the validating class returns false, the processor transitions to the confirmation page state instead of performing the action.
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Customizing a processor