Runtime components : Core components : Importing predefined elements
Importing predefined elements
In UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) definition files, you can use an <import> tag to reuse the elements defined in reusable UDTT definition files.
UDTT elements are defined in UDTT definition files. There are three kinds of UDTT definition files: global definition files, self-defined definition files, and reusable definition files. You can reuse your predefined elements in a newly created self-defined definition files by importing the UDTT definition file which contains that element. Only reusable UDTT definition files can be imported.
Before importing the predefined elements, you must create reusable definition files. Carefully category the elements that you want to reuse, and then store them in separate files. You can put the elements that have logical relationship in one file, which helps to maintain these elements. Data, format, context, type, service, invoker, operation, and processor elements can be imported and reused. Identify reusable elements you already defined by function or feature or any other standards, then category the element into different reusable definition files. In this way, the reusable element can be managed with one or more dimensions.
To reuse elements by using the import function, note that:
During analysis and design phase, identify reusable element it needs. Define one separated file containing data, format, context, type, service, invoker, operation and processor, which defined those reusable elements.
For global data, format, context, type, service, invoker, operation, processor definition files, only the corresponding element can be imported in.
For self defined operation definition file, data, format and context element can be imported in.
For self defined processor definition file, data, format, context, operation and service element can be imported in.
The reusable element is defined and maintained in separated file, which can be reused by user.
To manage elements by using the import function, note that:
During analysis and design phase, identify reusable element by function or feature, and then category the element into different import file or directory, so that the reusable element can be managed with one more dimension.
During deploy and maintenance phase, the huge volume data elements are managed in different directories and files clearly.
For detailed steps of importing predefined elements, refer to the following tasks:
Creating reusable definition file
Importing predefined UDTT elements
Using predefined reusable elements after importing
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Core components