Runtime components : Core components : Importing predefined elements : Importing predefined UDTT elements
Importing predefined UDTT elements
In UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) definition files, you can import the predefined UDTT elements.
You must have predefined elements stored in UDTT definition files.
To import predefined UDTT elements
1 Create a new UDTT definition file.
2 Use a <import/> tag in the form of <import file="BTT definition file"> in the new definition file. BTT definition file is the file which you want to import.
The best practise is to put all the <import/> tags in the beginning of the definition file.
When there are duplicated elements defined in both the reusable file and the local definition file, the elements in the local definition file will be effective.
3 Use the elements defined in the imported file.
  <!-- data import file -->
  <import file="data-import.xml">
  <import file="nestedElem.xml">
  <import file="gvt.xml">
  <!-- data import file from sub folder-->
  <field id="" value="">
  <kColl id="signInData">
    <field id="userId" value="">
    <field id="pw" value="">
    <field id="float" refType="Float">
    <!-- field refId="signInData"/--> </field></field></field></kColl>
    <iColl id="customeriColl" size="3" description="customericoll">
  <refData refId="signInData">
In this example, file data-import.xml, nestedElem.xml,gvt.xml, and \filder1\folder2\datafile.txt are imported.
Note You can use relative path to import file in different folders.
After completing this task
After the predefined elements are imported, you can reuse these elements in your new UDTT definition files. See Using predefined reusable elements after importing.
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Importing predefined elements