Runtime components : Runtime Tools : Trace Facility : Trace APIs : API of recording trace
API of recording trace
Following are the APIs of recording trace:
public void debug(String msg)
public void debug(String msg, Throwable exception)
public void debug(String msg, Throwable exception, Object[] obj)
public void info( String msg)
public void info (String msg, Throwable exception)
public void info (String msg, Throwable exception, Object[] obj)
public void warn(String msg)
public void warn (String msg, Throwable exception)
public void warn (String msg, Throwable exception, Object[] obj)
public void error(String msg)
public void error (String msg, Throwable exception)
public void error (String msg, Throwable exception, Object[] obj)
public void fatal( String msg)
public void fatal (String msg, Throwable exception)
public void fatal (String msg, Throwable exception, Object[] obj)
public void entry()
public void exit()
The method name of the APIs specifies the trace level of the recording trace (Method entry() and exit() corresponds to the DEBUG trace level). Exception stack trace can be recorded by public void error(Throwable exception) and public void fatal(Throwable exception) APIs. For the APIs that input object[] as parameter, the toString() is called for these objects.
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Trace APIs