Runtime components : Service components : JCA SNA Connector
JCA SNA Connector
The SNA network protocol connects multiple enterprise-level hosts, which contain important corporate data and many legacy applications. UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides JCA SNA Connectors to enable applications with a way of connecting to these hosts and legacy applications using the SNA protocol. The SNA connectors comply with JCA1.5 (J2EE Connector Architecture) standard. They support bi-directional (inbound and outbound) connectivity between a J2EE application and backend enterprise information system (EIS) on mainframe host. UDTT provides the following two JCA connectors for different LU type of SNA:
JCA LU0 Connectors
JCA LU62 Connectors
JCA SNA LU0 Connector
JCA SNA LU62 Connector
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