Runtime components : Service components : JCA SNA Connector : JCA SNA LU62 Connector
JCA SNA LU62 Connector
The JCA SNA LU62 Connector is a standard resource adapter that complies with J2EE Connector Architecture. It can be deployed to application server to enable the J2EE application components to communicate with remote EIS by SNA LU62 protocol.
The JCA SNA LU62 Connector enables you to deploy these applications into a managed environment in which a J2EE-capable application server such as WebSphere Application Server handles connection pooling, transactions, and security.
The JCA SNA LU62 Connector in UDTT supports JCA 1.5 specification. In JCA 1.0, only outbound communication is supported. It means that when using the CCI API of JCA1.0, the application sends message and waits for receiving the reply message synchronously. But in JCA1.5, together with EJB2.1 Message Driven Bean, it can handle the inbound unsolicited message from EIS asynchronously.
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The JCA SNA LU62 Connector implements the system contract between the resource adapter and the application server to support the feature of JCA.
The SNA LU62 Connector calls the native API of communication server to communicate with remote host by SNA LU62 protocol. The Connector call the native API by JNI implemented by the library DLL file. For different Communication Server platform, the library is compiled on the platform with the communication server.
The UDTT JCA SNA LU62 Connector supports both inbound and outbound communication. It supports outbound communication is through CCI interface. The inbound communication is implemented by supporting Message Inflow Contract. According to Message Inflow Contract, the inbound message is delivered from Connector to Message Driven Bean.
Besides the inbound communication support, JCA1.5 also provides some other new features to make the inbound/outbound communication between J2EE application and EIS more reliable, and more efficient. The JCA1.5 new system contracts supported by JCA LU62 Connector are: Message Inflow Contract, Lifecycle Management Contract, Work Management Contract.
For information on SNA and JCA, see SNA architecture overview and J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) overview.
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JCA SNA Connector