Development tools : Web services tooling : Invoking Web services by using a manually generated UDTT operation : Creating a Web services connector
Creating a Web services connector
A Web services connector is used by the Web services access operation to invoke and implement Web services.
1 In the Enterprise Explorer tab, double-click the transaction file that contains the operation required for the Web services.
2 In the transaction file that is now open in the Transaction Editor, click the Service tab.
3 Right-click the Service area, and then click New Child > Web service.
The New Web Services Connector wizard opens with the Select WSDL page displayed.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 On the Select WSDL page, specify the location from which you must retrieve the WSDL file that describes the Web services you want to invoke.
Note If you are retrieving the WSDL file from WebSphere Service Registry and Repository(WSRR), you must first set the WSRR preferences: see WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.
If you are retrieving the WSDL file from the Web
Select From URL, and then specify the URL of the WSDL file.
If you already have a copy of the WSDL file on your local workstation
Select From Workspace, and then click Browse to select the WSDL file you require.
If the WSDL file you require is stored in WSRR
5 Select From WSRR, and then click Browse.
6 Enter the name of the WSDL file in the Name field or the namespace of the WSDL file in the Namespace field. To do a wildcard search, use the asterisk sign (*) to substitute for words or letters. Click Query.
7 Select the WSDL file you require, and then click Next.
8 Select the directory in which you want to save the WSDL file, and then click Finish.
9 Click Next.
The Generate Web Services Client page displays.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
10 Generate a Web services client.
In the Output Folder field of the Generate Web Services Client page, click Browse to select the directory in which you want to store the Java classes that are required to invoke the Web services.
In the Target Package field, click Browse to select the folder in which you want to store the Java classes required to invoke the Web services.
Note If you do not select a folder, the default package will be used.
If you want to generate a portable Web services client, select the Generate portable client check box.
Click Next.
The Service Information page displays.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
11 In the WSConnector field of the Service Information page, click Browse to select the class of the Web services connector that you are creating.
Note Values for the Namespace URI, Service Name, and the Port Name fields are automatically generated according to the WSDL file that you selected in the Select WSDL page. You cannot change the values for these fields.
12 If you want to continue to create a Web services access operation immediately, accept the default Always Generate UDTT Web Services Operation check box selection. If you do not want to create a Web services access operation immediately, clear the Always Generate UDTT Web Services Operation check box.
13 Click Finish.
If you did not clear Always Generate UDTT Web Services Operation on the Service Information page, the Generate Web Service Access Operation wizard appears.
You must create a Web services access operation to invoke the remote Web services operation: see Creating a Web services access operation.
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Invoking Web services by using a manually generated UDTT operation