Extending : Processor editor extension : Extending the Processor editor : Creating and registering an object mapping file : Creating an object mapping file
Creating an object mapping file
A processor object mapping file must contain one <mappings> tag. The <mappings> tag must contain one or more <tag-mapping> elements. Each <tag-mapping> element can contain <property-mapping> elements.
A sample object mapping file
<mappings xmlns="http://btt.ibm.com/MappingsSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://btt.ibm.com/MappingsSchema MappingsSchema.xsd ">
<tag-mapping from="ClientPromptState" to="htmlPromptState">
<property-mapping from="id" to="id" rule="ClientPromptRule" />
The relationship between the elements in an object mapping file
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Attributes of the <tag-mapping> tag
The tag name in the .transaction file.
The tag name in the .xml file.
Attributes of the <property-mapping> tag
The tag name in .transaction file. Required.
The tag name in .xml file. Required.
The ID of the property conversion rule that is used to convert the tag. Predefined rules are described in Predefined rules.
Predefined rules
Rule ID
The rule of converting final state id from neutral flow file to html channel flow file.
The rule of converting operation state id from neutral flow file to html channel flow file.
The rule of converting page state id from neutral flow file to html channel flow file.
The rule of converting subflow state id from neutral flow file to html channel flow file.
The rule of converting processor id from neutral flow file to html channel flow file.
The rule of converting transition id from neutral flow file to html channel flow file.
The rule of converting transition target from neutral flow file to html channel flow file.
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Creating and registering an object mapping file