Runtime tools : Channels components : HTML Channel : Concepts : Validation : Dynamic transition contexts
Dynamic transition contexts
JspContextServices interface and DSEJspContextServices class provide methods to dynamically create a transition context (see Transition contexts) for the current state of a processor or to add or remove a specific data element to or from the newly created transition context. JSPs associated with a page such as a confirmation page directly invoke these methods to ensure that the same data elements that are available for the JSP will also be available for the next one.
To do this, the DSEJspContextServices contains the following methods:
createTransitionContext (String transitionName, Vector dataNames)
This method creates a new context for the given transition of the current state and adds the specified data names in the new context.
addDataElementToTransitionContext(String transitionName, String dataName)
This method adds a data element and adds it in the transition context of the current state.
removeDataElementFromTransitionContext(String transitionName, String dataName)
This method removes a data element from the previously created transition context.
setTransitionParameter(String transitionName, String parameterName, String value)
This method stores the name of the parameter to be set and its value in the transitionParameters Hashtable, which is stored in the TCInfo instance for the transitionName of the current state. This method may be used by the invoker to set special transition attributes such as delegateValAssessment.
These methods do not actually update the transition context when they are invoked. Instead, they store the information in the transitionContexts attribute within the HtmlStateInfo object for the current processor state. When the request associated with the transition hits the server, the actual transition is restored and updated with the previously gathered information.
See Creating a dynamic transition context.
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