Runtime tools : Client engine
Client engine
The UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) client engine enables you to build better, more sophisticated, applications. The client engine is a bridge between the client application and the backend service. It contains a set of JavaScript APIs that enable the client application to:
manipulate the business flow and the backend server by using the UDTT server.
integrate with modern frameworks to provide the best user experience.
The benefits of the client engine are:
The backend server can be accessed by a local JavaScript function. Developers can focus on the user experience, business flows and data processes; they do not need to know the details of the communication.
On the client side, you can use any framework that you like, for example, JQuery, Angular, IONIC, and so on. You can edit the page as you like, because the data and logic are wrapped, and the page contains only HTML.
Client applications can access the data that they need from the local store. You do not have to know how to get data from, or save it to, the server.
You define validation rules only once, on the server, and then the client engine validates user input automatically at both the client side and server side.
The server gets better performance than the JSP solution, because it has only to process the data.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Client engine: Architecture
Client engine: High‑level components
Using the client engine
Using the client engine service
Using the client engine with a UDTT server application
Using the client engine service in an Angular project
Using the client engine service in a React project
Using the client engine service in a Vue project
Universal Application Guideline and Samples