Runtime tools : Client engine : Using the client engine service in an Angular project
Using the client engine service in an Angular project
You can use the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) client engine service to develop applications that use the Angular framework.
Complete the following steps to add the UDTT client engine service to an Angular project:
1 Copy the client engine to the following BTTAngularProject project folder.
2 Copy the client engine service to the following BTTAngularProject folder.
3 Load the UDTT client engine in the index.html file of the BTTAngularProject project.
<script src="assets/unicomsi/btt/clientengine/BTTLoader.js"></script>
// load from the integrated JS of client engine
// here it is /assets/unicomsi/btt-clientEngine.uncompressed.js
BTT.loadBTT("assets", "unicomsi/btt-clientEngine.uncompressed.js");
// load from the source JS of client engine at /assets folder
// BTT.loadBTT("assets");
4 Provide the UDTT client engine as an Angular service at the root module.
import { ClientEngineService } from './unicomsi/btt/clientengine/angular/ClientEngineService';

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Sample projects
The UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) includes these examples that show how to use the client engine service in Angular projects.
Normal Angular project
See the BTTAngularProject example. For more information, see its accompanying development document.
IONIC project
See BTTIonicProject example. For more information, see its accompanying development document.
See also:
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Client engine