Runtime tools : Client engine : Using the client engine : Setting up a project for the client engine
Setting up a project for the client engine
If your project was created with the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit version 10.0 or the UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit version 9.09 or later, everything is already configured, and it is ready to use.
If your project was created with an earlier version of the UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit, you must configure the project by following these steps:
Configure the btt.xml file
1 Edit the btt.xml file, and then add this line to the components. processor. classTable section:
<field id="openAPIState" value="unicomsi.btt.openapi.OpenAPIState" />
2 Add these lines to the components.channelHandlers section:
<kColl id="openapi" description="open API channel settings">
<field id="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
<field id="cookies" value="true" />
<field id="runInSession" value="true" />
<field id="requestHandler"
description="BTT open API request handler" />
<field id="presentationHandler"
description="BTT open API presentation handler" />
<kColl id="openapi-op_flow">
<field id="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
<field id="cookies" value="true" />
<field id="runInSession" value="true" />
<field id="requestHandler"
value="" />
<field id="presentationHandler"
description="BTT open API presentation handler" />
Configure the web.xml file
Edit the web.xml file, and then add these servlet definitions:

Copy the required .js files to the project
1 Copy the btt-clientengine.js file from the installation directory to:
2 Copy the Configure.js file from the installation directory to:
3 If you are not using an AMD loader (for example, requirejs), copy the BTTLoader.js file from the installation directory to:
4 Copy the dependent JavaScript files, jquery.js and require.js, to:
Edit the user state in the UDTT transaction editor
You can edit the user state when you compose the flow in the transaction editor. Compared to the operation state, it has two new properties:
Specify the data fields that can be accessed from the client side.
"*" indicates all flow context data. However, this does not let you access any session data or application data; to get those types of data, you must specify the data name explicitly.
"" (empty) indicates no output data.
Specify the data fields that can be submitted (changed) from the client side.
"*" indicates all flow context data.
"" (empty) indicates no output data.
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Using the client engine