Runtime tools : Client engine : Using the client engine with a UDTT server application : Setting up and running the UDTTServerProject application
Setting up and running the UDTTServerProject application
Complete the following steps to configure and run the UDTTServerProject application in your development environment.
Configure the UDTTServerProject application
1 Import the UDTTServerProject application from <UDTT_root>/BTTSample/ClientEngineExample/UDTTServerProject into the UDTT development environment.
2 Enable CORS in web.xml.
<servlet- class>unicomsi.btt.openapi.OpenAPIRequestServlet</servlet-class>
Run the UDTTServerProject application
1 Deploy the UDTTServerProject application to your application server.
2 Start the UDTTServerProject application from the UDTT development environment.
The application is active when you see the following output displayed on the console page:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Any errors are also displayed on the console.
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Using the client engine with a UDTT server application