Runtime tools : Client engine : Universal Application Guideline and Samples : Sample Applications : UDTTServerProject
Back-end server App
Contains the business flow
Re-use the legacy system
Find the sample at
Please read more details
Using the client engine with a UDTT server application
Additional Notes
For simplicity, we will deploy the UDTTReactProject at
Then you can access it in browser
Enable HTTPS
In a real case, you should always use HTTPS for security reasons.
You can request the Certificate from a well known CA (Certificate Authority) and then set up the Certificate with the App server. The detailed steps are very different depending on the App server. You should complete it following the appropriate guide:
WebSphere Application Server Liberty
Apache Tomcat
Apache HTTP Server
nginx Server
For these samples, you also need HTTPS to access the Camera, Microphone and Location data from the Web API. Please enable the HTTPS access of the App Server accordingly.
For the development or test purpose, you have these options:
option 1.
[best practice]
Running a local CA for development/testing [V] Cordova samples on iOS devices
To comply with Apple App Transport Security (ATS), this is mandatory to run the Cordova Sample on iOS devices.
You can following these guides to achieve this.
Creating Certificates for TLS Testing
Installing a CA’s Root Certificate on Your Test Device
option 2.
Use a SaaS service like ngrok
You should following its guide to run it.
Note Cordova Sample on iOS does not work in this way.
option 3.
Use a self signed Certificate
Note Cordova Sample on iOS does not work in this way.
Note PWA Sample does not work in this way.
option 4.
[as is]
Stick to http://localhost
The http://localhost may still work in some case but you may encounter problems such as:
Impossible to access the sample from different devices
No way to run the sample in mobile devices
Some API would failed depending on the security policy
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Universal Application Guideline and Samples