Runtime tools : Client engine : Universal Application Guideline and Samples : Sample Applications : PWA support : Explore the PWA features
Explore the PWA features
1 Launch the App in Google Chrome browser
Please add a parameter _pwa=1 at the url to enable the PWA feature
2 Install the App to desktop
i. For a PWA App, you can install it from the address bar or the menu as shown in the images below:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
ii. Find and launch the App
    for example, on macOS:
    /Users/zm/Applications/Chromium Apps.localized/UDTT React
3 Explore other features just as you did on the UDTTReactProject (see Explore the UDTTReactProject)
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Universal Application Guideline and Samples