Runtime tools : Client engine : Universal Application Guideline and Samples : Sample Applications : UDTTCordovaProject : Android App
Android App
Prepare an Android build environment
You will need these tools to make Android build.
1 Java JDK 11
2 Gradle
3 Android Studio
4 Android SDK 9 (Pie) - API28
5 Android SDK Tools
Build Tools v30.0.3
Command-line Tools
SDK Tools -v26.1
[Optional] Emulator and Virtual Device
Please follow this guide to prepare the environment:
Check the requirements for building Android App
$ cordova requirements android
Requirements check results for Android:
Java JDK: installed 11.0.15
Android SDK: installed true
Android target: installed android-33-ext4, android-30, android-28
Gradle: installed Gradle/gradle-7.6/bin/gradle