Runtime tools : Client engine : Universal Application Guideline and Samples : Tech references
Tech references
Provides APIs and UI elements to access the native GPS, Camera and Microphone sensors
2 PWA (Progressive Web Applications)
Built on common web technologies
Uses Service Worker for pre-fetch and off-line operation
Described with a manifest file
Publishing the App to Apple App Store or Google Play is optional
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3 Cordova
An application development framework targeting hybrid web applications for mobile devices
Web UI run in WebView
Access native functions with plugin API
Alternatives: React Native (Facebook, better performance but native/different UI across iOS and Android), Flutter (Google, different language - Dart)
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4 Electron
An application development framework targeting desktop GUI applications for multi-OS
Web UI run in Chrome
System integration based on Node.js extension
Well known Apps:
Microsoft VS Code, Slack, Evernote desktop, Github desktop
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