Runtime tools : Presentation components
Presentation components
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides components that facilitate the construction of the client presentation logic. The toolkit includes the Rich Client infrastructure, a set of SWT Visual beans, as well as the support for JavaServer Pages (JSPs).
The following are the provided presentation components:
Rich Client infrastructure, which offers pre-build components to save your effort on developing teller systems.
SWT Visual beans, which are a set of beans that facilitate the development of the operation views. These beans are subclasses of Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT).
JSP support, which includes custom JSP tags and utility beans to enable applications to retrieve information from the operation context hierarchy, get resources, and handle errors. If your application requires additional behavior, you can build new tags using the JspContextServices interface.
XML UI Engine.
Rich Client Infrastructure
The Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) supports the development of applications with a rich graphical user interface. With the extensible component framework provided by Eclipse, you can easily add services to the client platform. Eclipse also manages the lifecycle of software components that run on the client platform, including installation, update and removal. As a result, multiple applications and services can run on a single Java Virtual Machine (JVM) without the overhead of launching a JVM to run each application and service.
For more information, see Rich Client Infrastructure.
This section discusses JavaServer Pages (JSPs) and JSP tags.
For more information, see JSPs.