Runtime tools : Presentation components : Rich Client Infrastructure
Rich Client Infrastructure
The Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) supports the development of applications with a rich graphical user interface. With the extensible component framework provided by Eclipse, you can easily add services to the client platform. Eclipse also manages the lifecycle of software components that run on the client platform, including installation, update and removal. As a result, multiple applications and services can run on a single Java Virtual Machine (JVM) without the overhead of launching a JVM to run each application and service.
You can use the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) Rich Client Infrastructure to build teller systems quickly based on RCP or IBM Lotus Expeditor. It can reproduce most of the functions in teller systems and enable them in the new Rich Client environment. It is easy to integrate with the transaction panels which are developed by SWT Visual Beans. Its incompact architecture is fit for integrating and communicating with other applications in RCP.
UDTT Rich Client Infrastructure offers pre-build components to save your effort on developing teller systems. These components include automatically generated navigation tree, quick launch bar, working area, xml based perspective definition, and so on. It especially offers a unique and friendly property broker support for both Rich Client and Lotus Expeditor, which simplifies property broker usage. You can use this service to interact with other kind of applications.
UDTT Rich Client Infrastructure provides a way to migrate the UDTT 4.3 Swing based teller system to the Rich Client teller system with little effort. You can also migrate Swing, ActiveX, Web, or SWT based applications to the integrated desktop.
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