Runtime tools : Service components : Communication services : MQ Connector : Tasks : Configuring an MQ Connector : Starting the MQ runtime environment
Starting the MQ runtime environment
To start the runtime environment, complete the following steps on the host machine:
1 Start the listener by typing the following at the command prompt:
runmqlsr -t tcp -m QMH
When also working as a client, start the listener at server(QMS) by entering the following at the command prompt:
runmqlsr -t tcp -p 1415 -m QMS
Note A port must be specified, because the default port (1414) is used by QMH.
2 Start the MQ program.
3 Start the channels by typing the following at the command prompt:
runmqsc QMS
start channel(SERVER.TO.HOST)
start channel(HOST.TO.SERVER)
When also working as a client, start the client connection channel by typing the following at the command prompt:
start channel(CLIENT.TO.SERVER)
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Configuring an MQ Connector