Administrative functions > Creating and maintaining Quanvert databases > Creating a multiproject database > How axes are combined in multiprojects > Axes present in all databases
Axes present in all databases
Axes that are common to databases in a multiproject need not contain an identical set of elements in each of the constituent databases. When you combine the databases into the multiproject, you can specify whether to combine axes using element texts (or unique IDs, if specified) or the element positions.
When you combine the databases into a multiproject in Windows-based Quanvert you can specify which database is to be used as the master. When you combine databases in Quanvert Text, you can specify whether to use the first or last named database as the master.
For example, suppose the shop axis is present in varying forms in the three regional databases:
If you combine the databases in the order shown here, and use the last database (South) as the master, and merge axes of the same name using element texts, a response of Gateway in the North (row 4) or Midlands (row 3) are merged into row 2 as this is where it appears in the master South database.
A response of Sainsbury in North will not contribute to the multiproject database because there is no element for it in the master database, although respondents who gave that response will still appear in the base for the shop axis.
If you use the first database as the master, the shop axis in the multiproject database will contain the four elements shown in North. Elements in the Midlands and South databases are merged into the appropriate rows in a similar manner to the one just mentioned.
If users want all elements to appear in the table, even if they do not appear in all the chosen databases, you should ensure that all related axes contain the same elements in all databases. To prevent these extra elements being printed when a single database is used, use the option nz on the elements or on the l statement:
l shop;nz
col 132;Base;Gateway;Safeway;Sainsbury;Tesco;Waitrose
See also
How axes are combined in multiprojects