Administrative functions > Creating and maintaining Quanvert databases > Setting up panel studies for Quanvert Text > Weighted panel studies
Weighted panel studies
If the panel study is weighted, you might need to define combined weighting for the various combinations of waves in the study. You do this using Quanvert Text itself.
1 Go to the database directory, and then type:
2 Select the waves you are going to weight. This is the same as choosing projects in a multiproject directory.
3 At the prompt for analysis type, type W.
The help and what commands at this point tell you about the three analysis types and also about the W option. The latter is only mentioned if:
the waves contain weighting information, and
you have access to unweighted figures (unwt=y in the users file), and
combined weights do not already exist for the waves chosen.
Since you should define combined weights as part of the database set-up, ordinary users should never see the W option.
4 Enter the name(s) of the axis or axes upon which the weighting is based at the prompt for axes names for tabulation. In a levels database, these must be at the same level, and they determine the level at which the combined weights are created.
5 Enter the name of the file containing weighting targets or press RETURN to enter them manually. In this case, Quanvert Text reads the axes you selected to calculate the number of target figures required, and then prompts ‘Enter n targets’, where n is the number of targets you are to enter.
The values, either in a file or entered at the terminal, may be integers, reals or a mixture. They may be separated by spaces, new lines and/or semicolons. If you key them in on your terminal, Quanvert Text re-issues the prompt, with n suitably adjusted, each time you press RETURN until you have entered the expected number.
Once Quanvert Text has all the targets, it reads the data and creates the combined weights for the level and set of projects chosen. When this is done, you are prompted again for the axes for tabulation. If there are no more levels requiring combined weights for the current set of projects, choose another set of projects.
See also
Setting up panel studies for Quanvert Text