Tables and axes > Creating tables > Printing more than one table per page > A set of short tables that do not exceed the page width
A set of short tables that do not exceed the page width
U hitch=1 when you want to print the current table, or if it is a multipage table, its first page, on the same physical page as the previous table. If there is not enough room for this to happen, Quantum ignores the request. For example:
tab choice1 agesex;
tab choice2 region;hitch=1
defines two tables that are printed on the same page if there is room. If the second table is longer than one page, Quantum prints the first page on the same page as the first table and will print the second page on a new sheet as it normally does.
hitch=1 by itself is useful if you have a set of short tables and you want to suppress the page break between them.
See also
Printing more than one table per page