Tables and axes > Creating tables > Printing more than one table per page
Printing more than one table per page
Quick reference
To print more than one table per page use:
to print the first page of the current table on the same page as the previous table, or:
to print as many pages of the current table as there is room for on the same page.
In both cases, number determines how Quantum deals with table titles, footnotes and bottom texts. Acceptable values for hitch= are 0 to 4 and for squeeze= are 0 to 2.
Note The hitch and squeeze options are not available for PostScript tables.
More information
To print more than one table on a page, you can use the und statement, but it is only useful if the two tables have the same column axis, and you want Quantum to treat the two tables as a single table.
When this is not what you want, you should find that the keywords hitch= and squeeze offer a solution. Examples of when you will find hitch or squeeze useful are:
When you want to suppress page breaks between tables to save paper on test or checking runs.
When you have a short but very wide table and you want to print the continuation page of the table on the same page as the first part.
When you have a number of short tables that would look satisfactory printed on the same page.
When you have tables with T statistics on overlapping data that you want to print one underneath the other, and und does not produce the correct results.
Note If you use hitch or squeeze in a table specification which contains n09s to force page breaks, Quantum ignores the n09 statements.
The hitch= and squeeze= keywords are both valid on the tab statement. Exactly how Quantum prints your tables depends on which values you assign to these keywords.
Starts the current table on a new sheet of paper (the default).
This prints the first page of the table immediately below the previous table, if there is room on the physical page for all of it.
As hitch=1 but suppresses bot and foot texts and titles that are identical to those on the previous table, and inserts the current table between the end of the previous table and its foot/bot texts, if any.
Prints the column headings and rows of the current table before the footnotes or bottom texts of the previous table. If squeeze=1 this continues for as many pages as can fit on the physical page.
As hi tch=3 but prints only the rows (and not the column headings) of the current table before the footnotes or bottom texts of the previous table. If squeeze=1 this continues for as many pages as can fit on the physical page.
Prints each page of a table on a separate physical page (the default).
In tables which spread over more than one page, this prints as many pages of the table as possible on each physical page.
As squeeze=1 but suppresses bot and foot texts and titles that are identical to those on the previous table, and inserts the current table between the end of the previous table and its foot/bot texts, if any.
You can use hitch= and squeeze= singly or together.
When you use hitch= or squeeze=, Quantum calculates the amount of space remaining in the page by subtracting the number of output lines used on the page so far from the maximum number of output lines allowed on the page. The number of output lines allowed on the page is 60 by default, but it can be adjusted by using the paglen option on the a statement.
A set of short tables that do not exceed the page width
Short tables with wide breakdowns
Paper saving
Controlling titles, footnotes and bottom text
Pasting one table underneath another
Logical and physical page numbers
See also
Creating tables