Tables and axes > Creating tables > Printing more than one table per page > Paper saving
Paper saving
The way to save most paper is to use hitch=1 and squeeze=1 on the same tab statement, as shown below:
tab likes1 demog;squeeze=1
tab likes2 demog; hitch=1;squeeze=1
This example defines two tables, both of which may spread over more than one page. squeeze=1 on the first line tells Quantum to fit as many pages as possible of that table on each printed page. hitch=1 and squeeze=1 on the second line tell Quantum to print the first page of this table on the same page as the last page of the previous table, and to continue printing as many pages as possible on each physical page until it reaches the end of the table.
This combination is handy if you just want a draft set of tables to check before printing the final copy, or if you are using continuous stationery where page breaks may not be important.
See also
Printing more than one table per page