Advanced tables and statistics > Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics
Quantum provides facilities for calculation of a set of basic statistics from the figures produced in Quantum tabulations. They include the statistics most commonly used for testing hypotheses about the values of proportions (percentages) and the locations (average values) of variables, and about differences in these between two or more subsets of the data. There are also chi-squared statistics for testing hypotheses about a single distribution or about differences between two or more distributions.
The statistical tests available are:
one-dimensional, two-dimensional and single classification chi-squared tests
four tests of differences between proportions (Z-tests)
two tests of differences between means (T-tests)
Friedman’s test of differences in location between a set of related samples (sometimes known as ‘Friedman’s two-way analysis of variance’)
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of differences between two samples
McNemar’s test of the significance of changes
F Test for testing differences between a set of means (one-way analysis of variance – ANOVA)
Newman Keuls test of differences between means.
For each statistic, Quantum also calculates and prints an associated significance level so that you can readily see the results of the tests you have performed.
Note In addition to the statistical tests described in this section, Quantum provides a number of other statistical functions. For more information, see:
Statistical functions and totals
Z, T and F tests
Special T statistics
Using Quantum statistics
Summary table
Chi-squared tests
Non-parametric tests on frequencies
Friedman’s two-way analysis of variance