Advanced tables and statistics > Descriptive statistics > Using Quantum statistics > Table-level statistics
Table-level statistics
Quick reference
To use table-level statistics, type:
stat=statistic_name[, statistic_name, ... ]
on the tab statement.
More information
Table-level statistics are requested by the option:
on the tab statement, where statname is the name of the test required, and is one of:
F-test (one-way analysis of variance)
two-dimensional chi-squared test
single classification chi-squared test
Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test
Newman-Keuls test for the comparison of means
two-sample T-test for the comparison of means
two-sample Z-test for proportions
Z-test for sub-sample proportions
Z-test for overlapping samples
If you need more than one statistic on the same table, list their names after the stat= keyword, separated by commas. For example:
tab usage region;stat=t2,anova
produces a table of brand usage by region and runs a 2-sample T test and an F test on it.
The statistics requested are printed at the bottom of the table or on a new page if there is insufficient space on the current page.
The chi2, ks and anova statistics produce a single statistic and significance level, preceded by text at the left margin naming the statistic. The chis statistic prints a + or - sign next to the percentage figure in a cell indicating whether it is significantly larger or smaller than expected.
The z2, z3, z4, t2 and nk statistics all produce a triangular array of statistics and significance levels, titled at the left margin with the name of the statistic. Each row and column of the array is named by the side text defined on the corresponding axis element: the row text is printed in the left margin and the columns are spread automatically across the remainder of the page. If the texts are longer than 15 characters they are truncated. If there are so many columns in the triangular table that each one would be allocated less than 5 columns, the statistical table is suppressed. The statistic testing the difference between any two axis elements is found at the intersection of the row and column named as those elements. (If this sounds complicated, an examination of one of the examples in the following sections should make it clear.)
In all table-level statistics, the statistics and significance levels are printed to three places of decimals. There are no options for modifying the text or layout of table-level statistics.
See also
Using Quantum statistics