Tables and axes > More about axes > Pagination > Manual pagination
Manual pagination
Quick reference
To override automatic pagination in long axes with your own page breaks, type:
n09 [continuation_text] [;hug=num_elms] [;options]
hug= defines an optional page break which should take place if there is insufficient room for num_elms elements on the current page.
To override the automatic page turnover within an axis, insert the statement:
at the point at which a new page is required. Text is an optional text which will be printed beneath the table headings at the top of the next page.
More information
Quantum always honors n09 elements in row axes. If the axis is used as a column axis, Quantum starts a new page at the n09 if the full set of column headings is too wide for the page. You can change this for an individual n09 using the keywords norow and col. Use norow to suppress the page break when the axis is a row axis; use col to force a page break when the axis is a column axis. In the example below, Quantum prints the sex and age columns on different pages even though there would be room to print them side by side on the same page.
l agesex
col 109;Base;Male;Female
val c(110,111);I;11-20 yrs;21-34 yrs;35-54 yrs;55+ yrs
The presence of n09 in an axis turns off the automatic page throw for the whole axis, so in long axes you might need to insert more than one n09 statement to get the required pagination.
Note If you use hitch or squeeze in conjunction with n09, Quantum ignores the n09s and prints your tables depending on the value assigned to the hitch and squeeze keywords. For more information about hitch and squeeze, see Printing more than one table per page.
An alternative to forced page throws is to say that a new page is necessary if there is not room for a given number of lines at the bottom of the page. To do this, add the option hug=n to the n09, where n is the number of lines still needed at the bottom of the page. For example:
starts a new page if there is not room for five more lines on the current page. The new page has ‘Continued’ in the top left corner with the table titles.
When Quantum reads hug= and decides whether or not to start a new page, it counts all elements which would normally be printed, even if in this particular table they are suppressed by options such as those in the nz or smsupp groups. This count includes n23s and n03s if the axis is a row axis, and n23s if the axis is a column axis (n03s are ignored in column axes). Elements such as n15 which are never printed are not counted at all.
Note As with automatic page turnovers, n09 prints a base row before continuing with the next line of the table. To suppress the base, follow the n09 with an n11.
See also