Administrative functions > Quantum utilities > Tidying up after a Quantum run
Tidying up after a Quantum run
The standard Quantum program deletes temporary files as it goes along; the alternative quantumx program does not. To help you remove unwanted files quickly and easily, use one of the programs quclean, qtlclean, qteclean, qtoclean or manipclean as follows:
Remove all intermediate and output files from the directory.
Remove temporary files created during compilation from the project directory or from the named temporary directory. Files deleted are:
Remove the files created by an edit-only datapass.
Remove the files created by a quantum –o run.
Remove all files other than those required for a manipulation run.
The syntax for these commands is identical apart from the program name:
program [–a] [–y] [–n] [–td path_name] [–pd path_name] [–id suffix]
Removes all intermediate files. Normally, the C source and object files (for example, editQ.cold) which Quantum creates are not deleted.
Silently deletes the files which normally cause the program to prompt for permission to delete. May not be used with –n. These files are out1, out2, out3, the holecount and frequency distribution files, the column and code map, the clean and dirty data files, the output data file, the weighting report, the tables file, the error summary, and the cell counts files.
Silently keeps the files which normally cause the program to prompt for permission to delete. May not be used with –y.
The run suffix of files to be deleted. Files with other suffixes or no suffix are not deleted.
The directory containing the output files to be deleted.
The directory containing the intermediate files to be deleted.
Using the commands
You can use wildcard characters with quclean, qtlclean, qteclean, qtoclean and manipclean to remove, say, all files from temporary directories whose names start with temp.
Type the wildcard character on the command line and it is passed directly to the commands in the Windows program you are running. For example, typing:
quclean -td ..\temp*
removes all files in directories whose names start with temp and which are at the same level as the directory in which the Quantum job is specified.
You must either enclose the parts of the command that contain wildcard characters in single quotes, or precede the wildcard characters with backslashes. This tells the UNIX shell that it must pass the wildcard characters to the program exactly as they are rather than intercepting and interpreting them as it normally does. If you type:
quclean -td ../temp*
UNIX issues the message ‘Unknown flag’ because the shell reads the asterisk as an option to quclean. To make this command work, type either:
quclean -td '../temp*'
quclean -td ../temp\*
Note Do not use quclean as an alternative to flipclean for tidying up after creating a Quanvert database. quclean deletes the axis files which are an integral part of a Quanvert database. For information on flipclean, see Tidying up after a Quantum run.
See also
Quantum utilities