Data editing > Running Quantum on UNIX and Microsoft Windows > Which version to use
Which version to use
Your computer may have more than one version of Quantum available, for example, a standard version for client tables and a newer version for in-house testing. To indicate which version you want to use, you must assign the pathname of that version to an environment variable called QTHOME, and then add the Quantum bin directory to your path.
Define QTHOME in your login file with a setenv statement. For example:
setenv QTHOME /usr/qtime/qt/v6.0
You then define your path as:
set path = ($path $QTHOME/bin)
The version to use is set at the time the software is installed. For information on how to switch between versions, see the installation instructions.
Command files
Quantum includes these two command files:
This version silently deletes all temporary files created during a run unless you include the option –k on the command line.
This version does not delete temporary files.
In the examples in this section, “quantum” means either “quantum” or “quantumx”.
At installations where automatic deletion of temporary files is not desirable, you might find that the administrator has renamed the files so that quantumx is called quantum, and vice versa. Check this before you run your first job. For further details on file deletion, see Tidying up after a Quantum run.
See also
Running Quantum on UNIX and Microsoft Windows