Advanced tables and statistics > Special T statistics > Titles for tables with T statistics
Titles for tables with T statistics
Quantum prints a footnote for each test that it runs on a table. The footnote reports the name of the test, the IDs of the elements tested, and the risk level at which the T statistic was tested for significance. If the table contains small or very small bases the footnote reminds you that * marks a small base and ** marks a very small base.
Here is a table on which a T-test on proportions (prop) was run:
                     Base    North    South    East    West
                               (A)       (B)    (C)      (D)

Base                  911      125      312     248     210
Brand A               256       16      128AD    88AD    24
Brand B               192       38B      24      56B     74BC
Brand C               247       47BC     72      56      72BC
Brand D               216       24       88CD    48      40
Proportions: All Columns Tested (5% risk level)
The footnote shows that all combinations of column pairs were tested, and that the results were checked for significance at the 5% risk level: that is, the 95% confidence level.
Suppressing footnotes
Defining your own titles
See also
Special T statistics