Advanced tables and statistics > Special T statistics > Titles for tables with T statistics > Defining your own titles
Defining your own titles
Quick reference
To define your own titles for tables with T statistics use tt statements with any of the following keywords where you require information about the T statistic:
More information
If you suppress Quantum’s automatic footnotes (see Suppressing footnotes), you can replace them with titles of your own. Set up your titles using tt statements, as you would for any other titles. The position of the tt statements in the spec determines when and where the titles are printed. For example, a title under the tab statement is printed on that table only whereas one in the axis is printed in all tables of which that axis is a part.
When Quantum generates its own automatic footnotes it can pick up the variable information such as the name of the test or the names of the columns tested from the instructions it holds internally about how the tables are to be created. To allow you the same flexibility in titles that you define yourself, Quantum provides a number of special keywords that you can use on tt statements at tab level and above. When Quantum prints the title it replaces any special keywords with the appropriate type of information specific to the current table.
All keywords are enclosed in pairs of double angle brackets.
The minimum base/minimum effective base.
The small base setting.
The confidence level for the current table.
The risk level for the current table (100 minus the confidence level).
The name of the test run on this table.
The combinations of columns tested.
Examples of titles using keywords
ttl<<test>>. Columns tested: <<cols>>
ttlMinimum effective base = <<minbase>>; Small base = <<smallbase>>
These types of titles work with one T statistic per table only. You cannot request two different tests on the same table and define different titles with different replaceable texts for each test.
If you specify titles with these special texts for tables without T statistics, Quantum treats the replaceable texts keywords as ordinary text and prints them. If you do need to define global titles for tables with T statistics you can flag them with the word tstat and Quantum will print those titles only on tables with T statistics. For example:
ttl<<test>>. Columns tested: <<cols>>; tstat
For more information about the tstat option on tt statements, see Titles for T statistics tables only.
See also
Titles for tables with T statistics