Advanced tables and statistics > Special T statistics > Requesting a test
Requesting a test
Quick reference
To request a special T-test, type:
tstat name; elms=elm_ids [;clevel=sig1[,sig2]] [;minbase=num] [;smallbase=num] [;debug] [;pvals]
underneath the tab or l statement for the table or axis in which the test is required.
More information
You request T statistics using a tstat statement. This goes underneath the tab statement for the table on which the statistics are required, or underneath the l statement if the test is required whenever that axis is used. The full syntax of a tstat statement is:
tstat name; elms=elm_ids [;clevel=sig1[,sig2]] [;minbase=num] [;smallbase=num] [;debug] [;pvals]
where name is the name of the test you want to run and elm_ids are the ids of the elements you want to compare. Both these parameters are required; the others are all optional. The sections below explain each parameter in turn.
For information about minbase= and smallbase=, see Base for T statistics.
You can run more than one test on a table by listing the appropriate tstat statements under a single tab or l statement. The exceptions to this are:
A combination of prop (T-test on column proportions) and ppt (paired preference test). This combination is not allowed because one tests rows and the other tests columns.
A combination of prop and mean which you request with the option propmean.
Note tstat is disallowed under a, sectbeg and flt statements, after add, div, sid and und, and before and statements.
Choosing your test
Which elements to compare?
Confidence and risk levels
Checking how Quantum calculated your statistics
Printing probability values
See also
Special T statistics